The company is only just starting to reap the rewards of long-term investments 这家公司才刚刚开始收获长期投资的回报。
Article 23 Assets shall normally be divided into current assets, long-term investments, fixed assets, intangible assets, deferred assets and other assets. 第二十三条资产分为流动资产、长期投资、固定资产、无形资产、递延资产和其他资产。
You can make gains if you look at long-term investments. 如果眼光放长远,投资将有收益。
To finance long-term investments in infrastructure, there needs to be reforms of the financial system at the city level. 要为基础设施建设筹集长期投资,就要改革城市一级的财政制度。
Gold indeed like all commodities belongs in the category of speculative trades rather than long-term investments. 黄金(乃至所有大宗商品)属于投机交易,而非长期投资。
But these are long-term investments that we are making. 但我们现在做的是长线投资。
But many buyers still view the homes as long-term investments that can generate income. 但许多购房者仍将这些住宅视为可以带来收益的长期投资。
Why can't long-term investments be a symbol? 为什么长期投资不能成为爱情和忠诚的象征?
But the property and financial services sectors are also exposed to climate risk due to the life cycle of buildings and the nature of their long-term investments. 但是,由于建筑物的生命周期和长期投资的性质,房地产和金融服务行业亦面临气候风险。
They funded those long-term investments by borrowing short-term in the money markets, in the form of commercial paper. 通过在货币市场以商业票据形式筹集短期资金,特别基金进驻并配置长期投资。
Long-term liabilities and long-term investments 长期负债与长期投资
A premium of two percent is paid on long-term investments. 对投资限线较长者可获百分之二的奖励。
Loss from disposal of short-term or long-term investments. 凡因处分短期及长期投资而发生之损失皆属之。
It's time to consider putting money into long-term investments. 现在是考虑吧钱投入长期投资的不错时机。
Global trade cannot prosper and long-term investments cannot be made if the dangers of competitive devaluations and the volatility of capital flows are not tackled. 如果我们不能消除竞争性贬值和资本流动剧烈波动的危险,全球贸易就无法繁荣发展,长期投资也将受到妨碍。
To finance growth-supporting long-term investments, domestic private consumption has to shrink. 为筹措资金,进行有利于经济增长的长期投资,国内私人消费必须收缩。
It also destroys the economic arguments for the currency union by undermining financial integration and rendering long-term investments dependent on access to the entire eurozone economy far riskier. 它还会破坏金融一体化,并让那些依赖于整个欧元区经济之开放性的长期投资面临比以往大得多的风险,从而削弱货币联盟存在的经济理由。
It may need some efforts to distinguish which flows are speculative and which are genuine long-term investments. 辨认(区分)哪些境外资金是投资热钱,哪些是真正的长期投资。
This interconnection between liquidity and solvency problems is em-bedded in the activities of banks and financial institutions that fund long-term investments with short-term loans. 流动性问题和偿付能力问题之间的这种内在联系,植根于银行和金融机构的活动之中,它们利用短期贷款为长期投资提供融资。
Stocks are regarded as good long-term investments. 股票被认为是很好的长期投资。
They also say that US banks can continue to buy and hold sovereigns as long-term investments and that European banks are unaffected by the rules as long as they keep their trading outside of the US. 它们还表示,美国各银行可以继续购买和持有主权债券作为长期投资,同时对于欧洲各银行来说,只要其交易活动不是发生在美国,就不受沃克尔规则的影响。
On the balance sheet, assets shall be itemized by liquidity, including current assets, long-term investments, fixed assets, intangibles and others. 在资产负债表上,资产应当按照其流动性分类分项列示,包括流动资产、长期投资、固定资产、无形资产及其他资产。
In contrast, the capital market is designed to finance long-term investments by businesses, governments, and households. 相反,是有商家,政府,家庭专为长期金融投资设立的。
External leadership and respect: to have fluid dialogue with business leaders and to attract and motivate potential donors to support long-term investments for the school. 对外领导能力和尊重:与企业领袖顺畅对话、吸引并激发潜在捐赠者,以支持学院的长期投资。
Unrealized loss recognized when market value of long-term investments below their costs under the lower of cost or market valuation method. 指长期股权投资采成本与市价孰低法评价,当总市价较总成本为低,所认列之未实现跌价损失。
What we need is both stimulus and long-term investments that accomplish two objectives simultaneously with one global economic policy response a policy that addresses our urgent and immediate economic and social needs and that launches a new green global economy. 我们不仅需要刺激,还需要长期投资,用一致的全球经济政策回应来同时实现两个目标这一政策既要满足我们急迫的经济和社会需求,还要开创一种新的绿色全球经济。
Instead, the US and Europe should be using the recent corrective boost in saving rates to promote long-term investments in physical and human capital as the proper way back to sustained growth. 相反,美国和欧洲应该利用最近储蓄率的纠正性上升,来推动实物和人力资本的长期投资作为恢复持续增长的正确办法。
This in turn will depend on whether their new friends from the capitalist world avoid the temptation to put a quick profit ahead of long-term investments that will make china's future progress dependent on continued cooperation with the west. 这就有赖于他们的资本主义世界的新朋友们能否不顾迅速获利的诱惑而致力于为了使中国将来的进步能依赖于和西方继续合作而进行长期投资。
The investing activities contain all activities relating to short-term investments other than the cash equivalents, long-term investments, and other long-term assets. 投资活动包括与除现金等价物之外的短期投资、长期投资和其他长期资产有关的各种活动。